As Frail

by Mehmet Kerem Türkcan


We are as frail
As the sounding wishes often are-
Over the frozen days
Of washed shores slowly fading-
As pipers, as seagulls silently waving
Over resilient rivers and wreaths that are
        Forbidden evermore

We are as numerous
As clay and sand and storm
(For we once knew the voices that come and go) 
Over the nightly stars, crying and dying - -
For when we heard, when all heard incessantly
A remembrance beneath those solemn winters
        Terrible evermore

As Gaia, Babel or Janus
We gave life, ate, lived and died -
And for as little as the sound of laughing
We liked ourselves and our momentous arts:
Every morning our twin suns fell and passed;
A nightly memoir
        Forgotten evermore